Why ant addoninstall command is breaking Swagger/OCC?
Image by Nikkolay - hkhazo.biz.id

Why ant addoninstall command is breaking Swagger/OCC?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated because your Swagger or OCC setup is not working as expected after running the ant addoninstall command. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this issue and provide you with step-by-step instructions to fix it.

What is the ant addoninstall command?

The ant addoninstall command is a utility used to install Oracle Commerce Cloud (OCC) add-ons. These add-ons extend the functionality of OCC, allowing you to customize and enhance your commerce platform. The command is typically used during the setup process or when upgrading OCC.

Why is the ant addoninstall command breaking Swagger/OCC?

There are several reasons why the ant addoninstall command might be breaking Swagger/OCC. Here are some common culprits:

  • Incompatible add-ons: Some add-ons might not be compatible with the version of OCC or Swagger you’re using. When the ant addoninstall command installs an incompatible add-on, it can cause conflicts and break Swagger/OCC.
  • Conflicting dependencies: Add-ons often rely on specific dependencies to function correctly. If these dependencies are not installed or are incompatible with existing dependencies, it can cause issues with Swagger/OCC.
  • Incorrect configuration: Misconfigured OCC or Swagger settings can prevent the ant addoninstall command from working correctly. This can lead to errors and breakages during the installation process.
  • Corrupted files: Corrupted or missing files can cause the ant addoninstall command to fail, resulting in a broken Swagger/OCC setup.

How to fix the issue?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Follow these step-by-step instructions to fix the issue:

Step 1: Analyze the error message

When the ant addoninstall command fails, it usually provides an error message indicating the cause of the failure. Analyze this message to determine the root cause of the issue.

[ERROR] Failed to install add-on: com.oracle.addon.myaddon
[ERROR] java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to deploy add-on: com.oracle.addon.myaddon
[ERROR] at com.oracle.occs.api-addoninstaller.AddonInstaller.install(AddonInstaller.java:123)

In this example, the error message indicates that the installation of the “myaddon” add-on failed due to a runtime exception.

Step 2: Check add-on compatibility

Verify that the add-on is compatible with your OCC and Swagger versions. Check the add-on’s documentation or contact the add-on provider for more information.

Add-on Version OCC Version Swagger Version Compatibility
1.0 19.3 2.0 Compatible
2.0 19.4 2.1 Incompatible

In this example, the add-on version 2.0 is incompatible with OCC version 19.3 and Swagger version 2.0.

Step 3: Check dependencies and configurations

Verify that all required dependencies are installed and correctly configured. Check the add-on’s documentation and OCC/Swagger settings for any configuration changes required.

  • Check the OCC database connection: Ensure the database connection is working correctly and that the necessary permissions are granted.
  • Verify Swagger configuration: Check that Swagger is correctly configured and that the necessary API endpoints are exposed.
  • Check add-on dependencies: Ensure that all dependencies required by the add-on are installed and correctly configured.

Step 4: Clean up corrupted files

Corrupted or missing files can cause issues with the ant addoninstall command. Clean up any corrupted files and try running the command again.

rm -rf ~/.occ/addons/myaddon
rm -rf ~/.occ/temp

In this example, we’re removing the corrupted add-on files and temporary files.

Step 5: Re-run the ant addoninstall command

Once you’ve fixed the underlying issue, re-run the ant addoninstall command to install the add-on.

ant addoninstall -Daddon.id=com.oracle.addon.myaddon

In this example, we’re re-running the ant addoninstall command to install the “myaddon” add-on.


The ant addoninstall command can break Swagger/OCC due to various reasons such as incompatible add-ons, conflicting dependencies, incorrect configurations, and corrupted files. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the underlying issue, ensuring a successful installation of your OCC add-on.

Best Practices

To avoid issues with the ant addoninstall command, follow these best practices:

  • Always check the add-on’s documentation for compatibility and installation instructions.
  • Verify that all dependencies are installed and correctly configured.
  • Regularly clean up corrupted or unnecessary files.
  • Test the installation process in a development environment before deploying to production.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to ensure a smooth and successful installation of your OCC add-on, avoiding any issues with the ant addoninstall command.

Remember, if you’re still struggling with the issue, you can always reach out to the OCC community or seek help from a certified OCC developer.

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about why ant addoninstall command is breaking Swagger/OCC? We’ve got answers!

What is the ant addoninstall command, and why is it causing issues with Swagger/OCC?

The ant addoninstall command is used to install additional features or plugins in Oracle Commerce Cloud (OCC). However, it can sometimes cause conflicts with Swagger, a popular API documentation tool. This is because the command can overwrite or modify existing configurations, leading to issues with Swagger’s functionality.

How does the ant addoninstall command affect Swagger’s configuration?

When you run the ant addoninstall command, it can modify the Swagger configuration files, such as the swagger.json or swagger.yaml files. This can lead to issues with Swagger’s routing, API endpoints, or even breaks the entire Swagger UI. It’s essential to be cautious when using this command to avoid overwriting critical configurations.

Can I prevent the ant addoninstall command from breaking Swagger?

Yes, you can prevent the command from breaking Swagger by taking a few precautions. Before running the ant addoninstall command, make sure to back up your Swagger configuration files. Additionally, use the –dry-run option to test the command without making any actual changes. This will help you identify potential issues before they occur.

What if I’ve already run the ant addoninstall command and Swagger is broken?

Don’t panic! If you’ve already run the command and Swagger is broken, try restoring your Swagger configuration files from the backup. If you don’t have a backup, you can try reverting the changes made by the command or seeking assistance from Oracle Commerce Cloud support.

Are there any alternative commands or approaches to avoid breaking Swagger?

Yes, there are alternative approaches to installing additional features or plugins in OCC without breaking Swagger. You can use the OCC’s built-in feature management or plugin installation mechanisms, which are designed to be safer and more reliable. Consult the Oracle Commerce Cloud documentation for more information on these alternative approaches.

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