The Frustrating “Click to Continue” Button: A Guide to Resolving the Issue with Google Ads in Appium + Python
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The Frustrating “Click to Continue” Button: A Guide to Resolving the Issue with Google Ads in Appium + Python

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Are you tired of being stuck on the “Click to Continue” button when testing Google Ads in Appium using Python? You’re not alone! Many testers have faced this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this problem once and for all.

The Problem Statement

When interacting with Google Ads in a mobile app using Appium + Python, clicking the “Click to Continue” button often results in a no-op (no operation). The button appears to be clickable, but the app doesn’t respond, leaving you wondering what’s going on.

Why Does This Happen?

The issue arises due to the way Google Ads renders its components. The “Click to Continue” button is an overlay element, which can make it tricky for Appium to interact with it properly. Additionally, the ad’s JavaScript code can interfere with Appium’s ability to recognize the button’s clickable area.

Resolving the Issue

Fear not, dear reader, for we have a series of solutions to help you overcome this hurdle. Follow these steps to resolve the issue with clicking the “Click to Continue” button in Appium + Python:

Solution 1: Using the `click()` Method with a Twist

Try using the `click()` method with an additional tweak. Instead of simply calling `driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//button[@text=’Click to Continue’]”).click()`, add a small delay before clicking the button:

import time

# Find the button element
button_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@text='Click to Continue']")

# Add a small delay to ensure the button is fully loaded

# Click the button

This delay allows the button to fully render, making it more susceptible to Appium’s click event.

Solution 2: Using the `touch_action` Method

Alternatively, you can use the `touch_action` method, which simulates a touch event on the element. This can be particularly useful when dealing with overlay elements like the “Click to Continue” button:

from appium.webdriver.common.touch_action import TouchAction

# Find the button element
button_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@text='Click to Continue']")

# Create a TouchAction object
touch_action = TouchAction(driver)

# Perform a tap action on the button

This method can help Appium interact with the button more effectively, bypassing any potential JavaScript interference.

Solution 3: Using the `execute_script` Method

As a last resort, you can use the `execute_script` method to execute a JavaScript script that clicks the button directly:

driver.execute_script("document.querySelector('button[text=\"Click to Continue\"]').click()")

This approach can be helpful when all else fails, but keep in mind that it might not work if the ad’s JavaScript code is overly complex or employs anti-bot measures.

Additional Tips and Tricks

To further improve your chances of successfully interacting with the “Click to Continue” button, consider the following tips and tricks:

  • Use a suitable wait strategy: Implement a wait mechanism, such as `WebDriverWait`, to ensure the button is fully loaded and clickable before attempting to interact with it.
  • Check for overlay elements: Verify that the button is not covered by any other overlay elements, which could be preventing Appium from interacting with it.
  • Use a more specific locator: Instead of relying on a generic XPath locator, try using a more specific one, such as a CSS selector or an accessibility ID, to target the button more accurately.
  • Test on different devices and platforms: Ensure that your test is not device- or platform-specific, as this could be causing the issue.


With these solutions and additional tips, you should now be well-equipped to tackle the frustrating “Click to Continue” button issue in Appium + Python. Remember to stay patient, persistent, and creative when dealing with these types of problems, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches until you find the one that works for you.

Solution Description
Solution 1: Using the `click()` Method with a Twist Add a small delay before clicking the button to ensure it’s fully loaded.
Solution 2: Using the `touch_action` Method Simulate a touch event on the button using the `touch_action` method.
Solution 3: Using the `execute_script` Method Execute a JavaScript script that clicks the button directly.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to overcome the “Click to Continue” button hurdle and successfully automate your Google Ads testing using Appium + Python.


  1. Q: Why doesn’t the `click()` method work as expected?

    A: The `click()` method can fail due to the overlay nature of the “Click to Continue” button and potential JavaScript interference.

  2. Q: Can I use these solutions for other types of ads?

    A: While these solutions are specifically tailored for Google Ads, you can try adapting them to work with other types of ads. However, keep in mind that each ad platform may have its unique rendering and JavaScript implementation, so your mileage may vary.

  3. Q: What if none of these solutions work?

    A: If you’ve tried all the solutions and tips provided, it’s possible that the issue lies with the ad itself or the test environment. Try debugging your test, checking the ad’s rendering, and consulting with your development team to identify the root cause of the problem.

There you have it – a comprehensive guide to resolving the “Click to Continue” button issue in Appium + Python. Remember to stay vigilant, and with these solutions and tips, you’ll be well on your way to conquering this frustrating problem.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with clicking the “Click to Continue” button on Google Ads using Appium with Python? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you resolve the issue:

What is the “Click to Continue” button, and why is it necessary to click?

The “Click to Continue” button is a mandatory step to access the content on certain Google Ads, ensuring users acknowledge the terms and conditions. It’s necessary to click this button to proceed with the ad interaction, and Appium automation should be able to replicate this action.

Why is my Appium script unable to click the “Click to Continue” button?

There could be several reasons for this issue, such as incorrect locator strategy, slow page loading, or the button being hidden behind another element. Ensure your script uses the correct XPath or CSS selector to identify the button, and consider adding explicit waits or retry mechanisms to handle potential loading issues.

How can I handle the “Click to Continue” button using Appium with Python?

You can use the `driver.find_element_by_xpath()` or `driver.find_element_by_css_selector()` methods to locate the button, and then perform a click action using ``. Make sure to add required waits and retries to ensure the button is fully loaded and clickable.

Can I use the `TouchActions` class to click the “Click to Continue” button?

Yes, you can use the `TouchActions` class to perform a tap action on the button. This method can be useful when the button is not clickable using the traditional `` approach. Create a `TouchAction` object, add the tap action, and then perform the action on the element.

What if the “Click to Continue” button is not interactable, even after trying the above approaches?

In such cases, consider using a different locator strategy, like using an accessibility ID or a custom JavaScript click execution. You can also try to disable animations or set the `nativeWeb Tap` capability to `true` in your Appium settings. If all else fails, consider reaching out to the Appium community or seeking expert assistance.

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