Elasticsearch: How to Drop Properties from Being Stored if the Value is Null
Image by Nikkolay - hkhazo.biz.id

Elasticsearch: How to Drop Properties from Being Stored if the Value is Null

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Are you tired of dealing with unnecessary null values in your Elasticsearch index? Do you want to keep your data clean and efficient? In this article, we’ll show you how to drop properties from being stored if the value is null in Elasticsearch.

Why Drop Null Values?

There are several reasons why you might want to drop null values from your Elasticsearch index:

  • Data Integrity: Null values can lead to inconsistencies in your data, making it harder to analyze and visualize.
  • Storage Efficiency: Dropping null values reduces the storage size of your index, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Query Performance: Null values can slow down query performance, especially when using filters or aggregations.
  • Data Quality: Dropping null values ensures that your data is clean and accurate, making it more reliable for analysis and decision-making.

How to Drop Null Values in Elasticsearch

There are two ways to drop null values in Elasticsearch: using the null_value parameter or using a script processor.

Method 1: Using the null_value Parameter

The null_value parameter is a simple way to drop null values from a field. You can use it when creating a new index or updating an existing one.

PUT myindex
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "myfield": {
        "type": "text",
        "null_value": "_remove"

In this example, the null_value parameter is set to _remove, which tells Elasticsearch to drop the myfield field if its value is null.

Method 2: Using a Script Processor

A script processor is a more flexible way to drop null values from a field. You can use it to implement custom logic and handle complex scenarios.

PUT _ingest/pipeline/my_pipeline
  "processors": [
      "script": {
        "lang": "painless",
        "source": """
          if (ctx.myfield == null) {

In this example, the script processor checks if the myfield field is null, and if so, removes it from the document using the ctx.remove() method.

Best Practices for Dropping Null Values

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when dropping null values in Elasticsearch:

  1. Use null_value for simple cases: If you only need to drop null values from a single field, use the null_value parameter. It’s simple and efficient.
  2. Use script processors for complex cases: If you need to implement custom logic or handle multiple fields, use a script processor. It provides more flexibility and control.
  3. Test your pipeline: Before deploying your pipeline to production, test it with sample data to ensure it’s working correctly.
  4. Monitor your index: Keep an eye on your index’s performance and storage size after dropping null values. This will help you identify any issues or optimize further.
  5. Common Gotchas and Errors

    Here are some common gotchas and errors to watch out for when dropping null values in Elasticsearch:

    Error Reason Solution
    null_value not working The field is not being dropped because the null_value parameter is not being applied correctly. Check the field mapping and ensure the null_value parameter is set correctly. Also, verify that the field is not being overridden by another mapping or template.
    Script processor throwing errors The script processor is throwing errors because of syntax or logic issues. Check the script code for syntax errors or logical issues. Ensure that the script is correctly handling null values and not causing unexpected behavior.
    Index performance issues The index is experiencing performance issues after dropping null values. Monitor index performance and storage size to identify the root cause. Optimize the pipeline or script processor to reduce the load on the index.


    Dropping null values in Elasticsearch can improve data quality, storage efficiency, and query performance. By using the null_value parameter or a script processor, you can easily drop null values from your index. Remember to follow best practices, test your pipeline, and monitor your index performance to ensure successful implementation.

    Now, go ahead and give your Elasticsearch index a spring cleaning by dropping those null values!

    Frequently Asked Question

    Elasticsearch is an incredible search and analytics engine, but sometimes, you just want to get rid of those pesky null values clogging up your storage. Here are some answers to your most pressing questions about dropping properties from being stored if the value is null.

    How do I prevent Elasticsearch from storing null values?

    You can use the `ignore_malformed` attribute on your field mapping to ignore null values. For example, in your index mapping, you can add `”ignore_malformed”: true` to the specific field you want to ignore null values for. This way, when Elasticsearch encounters a null value, it will simply ignore it and not store it.

    What about using the `null_value` attribute instead?

    The `null_value` attribute is similar, but it’s used to specify a default value when a field contains a null value. If you set `”null_value”: “_null_”`, for instance, Elasticsearch will store the string “_null_” instead of null. However, if you want to completely skip storing null values, `ignore_malformed` is a better fit.

    Can I use a script to remove null values during indexing?

    Yes, you can use a script to remove null values during indexing. Elasticsearch provides a scripting feature that allows you to manipulate your data on the fly. You can write a script that checks if a field is null and removes it if it is. For example, you can use a Groovy script like `if (ctx._source.myField == null) ctx._source.remove(“myField”)` to remove the `myField` field if it’s null.

    How do I apply this to all fields in my index?

    To apply this to all fields in your index, you can use a dynamic template. Dynamic templates allow you to define a set of rules for mapping fields based on their names or types. You can create a dynamic template that applies the `ignore_malformed` attribute to all fields, ensuring that null values are ignored for all fields in your index.

    What are the performance implications of ignoring null values?

    Ignoring null values can have a positive impact on your Elasticsearch performance, especially if you’re dealing with large amounts of data. By not storing null values, you’re reducing the amount of storage needed, which can lead to faster query performance and reduced indexing times. However, it’s essential to weigh this against the potential need to store null values for specific use cases, such as data analytics or aggregation.

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